Ride On Ryan

Triathlon and Duathlon - Saturday, April 12, 2025

QUESTION: What temperature water permits the use of wetsuits for the race?

ANSWER:  USAT rules state that competitors may wear wetsuits if the water temperature is 78° or lower. USAT rules also state that if the water temperature is between 78.1° - 83.9°, competitors may wear wetsuits but will not be eligible for awards.  If the water temperature is 84° or above, participants may not wear wetsuits. 

QUESTION: I am interested in participating but have never done a triathlon or duathlon before. Is this race beginner-friendly?

ANSWER:  Absolutely! This is the perfect race for a beginner! 

QUESTION:  What is the difference between the sprint triathlon and sprint duathlon categories? 

ANSWER:  The sprint triathlon includes a 500 yard swim, 13.1 mile bike, and a 3.1 mile run.  The sprint duathlon includes a 1 mile run, 13.1 mile bike, and a 3.1 mile run. 

QUESTION:  What exactly is the relay option?

ANSWER:  The relay option allows you to participate with up to 2 additional teammates. Each teammate can participate in at least 1 portion of the race event. 

QUESTION:  Are there any race rules that I need to know?

ANSWER:  Great question! Please click on the "Race Rules" button for more information. 

QUESTION:  Can my family and friends attend the event? 

ANSWER: Definitely! We encourage you to invite your friends and family to the event. There is a plenty of room for spectators to set up chairs and watch the swimming and running portions. 

QUESTION:  How can I volunteer to help with the race?

ANSWER: Please click on the "I Want to Volunteer" button below and complete the form. In the subject line on the form, please type Volunteer ROR 2025. Thank you in advance! 


Do you have questions that were not answered on this page? Please click on the "I Have a Question" button and complete the form. Please allow at least 24-48 hours for a response. 

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